Repair Cafe

Tattenhall’s first repair cafe will be held on Sunday 31st July in Barbour Institute from 10am – 12noon. A repair cafe has more emphasis on the repair than the cafe, though there will be tea, coffee and biscuits. At a repair cafe, talented volunteers aim to do simple repairs to household goods that would otherwise be thrown …

6th July Membership Meeting

Following Transition Tattenhall becoming a Community Benefit Society and holding our first General Meeting, we’re now holding our first members meeting this Wednesday, 6th July, at the Barbour Institute at 7.30pm. This is an opportunity for members to contribute to our ongoing projects as well as to help to plan future projects. At this session we expect to:  • …

A Mini-Meadows Review

A successful afternoon was held on Sunday June 26th, there were 14 private gardens and public spaces open to view. They were all different, some had been in place for many years so were established wildflower areas, others had been started in the last few years and some just this year. Some are perennial wildflowers …

Mini-Meadows Trail

Come and join us this Sunday 26th June for a walk around the village to see the wonderful wildflower meadows that have been growing in Tattenhall as part of our Mini Meadows project. The trail will be open from 2 – 4:30pm and guides will be available on the day on the High Street, Covert …


Our weekly meditation sessions in the Church are held each Tuesday from 6:15 – 7pm Meditation can help with reducing stress and anxiety, improve focus and clarity of thinking, and even improve how we sleep. You can sit in silence or use headphones to follow along to your own app or audio. If you are …

Repair Cafe hits fundraising target

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported our Repair Cafe fundraising campaign on Spacehive. With generous pledges from 40 members of the wonderful local community as well Tattenhall & District Parish Council, CWaC’s Cheshire West Crowd Fund and CWAC’s Tackling Poverty Fund we have hit our fundraising target and have enough to set …

Our First General Meeting

Transition Tattenhall has now become a Community Benefit Society, which means that a formal first General Meeting has to be held to elect directors. This will take place on June 15th at 8pm in the Billiards Room of the Barbour Institute. There will be drinks and nibbles from 7.15-8pm, prior to the formal meeting, for …

Become a Member

Transition Tattenhall is now a Community Benefit Society. This means we can have a bank account, enter contracts, raise money, and develop really substantial projects. The objectives of Transition Tattenhall are to develop and support projects that mitigate the effects of Climate Change within Tattenhall. In particular the projects shall have the objectives of; Reducing …