Become a Member

Transition Tattenhall is now a Community Benefit Society. This means we can have a bank account, enter contracts, raise money, and develop really substantial projects.

The objectives of Transition Tattenhall are to develop and support projects that mitigate the effects of Climate Change within Tattenhall. In particular the projects shall have the objectives of;

  • Reducing consumption
  • Promoting biodiversity
  • Bringing Tattenhall closer carbon neutrality
  • Improving community resilience

At the end of 2021 and into 2022 Transition Tattenhall held community engagement events in Tattenhall to build involvement and to  develop project ideas. From the almost 100 ideas generated participants selected 30 to begin. The first of these are underway and raising funding, these include Mini Meadows, Repair Cafe and the weekly Meditation sessions in the Church.

The assets of the Community Benefit Society are locked. This means that, by law, any assets that Transition Tattenhall holds, money and things can only be used for the objectives of Transition Tattenhall, even if Transition Tattenhall folds.

A Community Benefit Society is driven by its members, and we need members. Members are active supporters, in whichever way you can; by participating in projects, spreading the word, influencing events in meetings or simply holding shares.

Members hold shares and automatically have single vote in any matters to be formally determined under the Benefit Society Rules . Shares enable the Community Benefit Society  to raise money if needed for projects. But just now we want members to join. Each member shall have one share for now, and the cost of each share is £2.

Please join us by completing the application form

and emailing to

The rules of the Community Benefit Society are available here .

We are looking forward to you joining us and meeting you – there is work to be done.

Become a member today!!