Glebe Meadow can be found on the Chester Road opposite the primary school playing fields. It is a registered Local Wildlife Site, designated by Cheshire Wildlife Trust, and listed as ‘unimproved grassland’. Unimproved grassland is extremely rare in Cheshire and lowland Britain, you can find more information about this valuable habitat type from Cheshire Wildlife Trust here.

Glebe Meadow has never been subjected to intensive agriculture and, as a consequence, contain a flora and fauna of great diversity. In previous years, counts have found twenty three different species of grass and up to twenty species of wildflower, as well as suitable habitat for a significant number of small skipper butterflies – something else uncommon in Cheshire
The Tattenhall Neighbourhood Plan identifies Glebe Meadow and Barnfield as ‘green spaces‘ and sites of nature conservation value. They have been managed by TWiG for a number of years to enhance their biodiversity value. You may have seen them being cut in previous summers, with some areas being left uncut for wildlife – you may even remember when cattle were brought in to graze the field for the same effect.

Over 98% of areas of wildflower meadow have been lost in recent years in the UK. Glebe Meadow is the only large area within the Tattenhall village boundary and one of few remaining within Cheshire.