Notice of AGM

Transition Tattenhall will be hosting our second Annual General Meeting on Monday 27th March at 7:30pm at the Barbour Institute. Come along to find out all about how we’re getting on, hear all about our projects and our plans for the future. Help yourself to tea, coffee and cake!

Here’s A Thing

Now here’s a thing …….  It is hard to know what to do to make a difference in the current world we occupy. Energy and food crises grow, there is war and natural disasters, politics and economies look unstable creating lots of uncertainty and of course for us as individuals, anxieties. Managing our lives and …

New Projects

After a very successful Members Meeting in September a Project Action Planning Workshop was held on 9th October. The aim of the event was to turn ideas from the Members Meeting into active projects. These projects will be developed and run by our members in collaboration with other organisations and groups in Tattenhall.  NEW PROJECT …

Action Planning Workshop

A Project Planning afternoon has been organised for 9th October 2022 at The Barbour between 2 and 4:30pm. If you are interested in being involved and developing Transition projects such as biodiversity, mini meadows, protecting our green spaces, energy saving, alternative green energy and  young people’s projects, please come along and we will reward you …

Transition and Extinction Rebellion – Essential Bedfellows?

Before I begin this article it might be best to tell you a bit about my own journey into the environment. It is often said that its good to start at the beginning but I find it hard to identify beginnings in real life so let’s start here. I had just left a job working …

Village Show 2022

The Village Show on September 4th  in the Barbour Institute needs you! We need stewards to facilitate the day. The role of a steward is to make sure entrants can place their exhibits,  help with recording the judges decisions, and oversee the public in the afternoon, then help clear up, and if possible help set …