After a very successful Members Meeting in September a Project Action Planning Workshop was held on 9th October. The aim of the event was to turn ideas from the Members Meeting into active projects. These projects will be developed and run by our members in collaboration with other organisations and groups in Tattenhall. 


Project Outlines: 

Biodiversity Programme 

Project Title: Improving Biodiversity In Tattenhall  

Lead: Neil Friswell. 

Description: Three schemes: A habitat survey, Tree planting, and Expansion of the Mini Meadows programme 

Carbon Reduction Initiatives 

Project Title: Watt Project  

Lead: Mark Shepherd 

Description: Awareness Raising Programme. A range of initiatives to help raise awareness on how we can all save energy, reduce our costs, and therefore minimise our carbon footprints. We’ll be making the links between lifestyle and energy use. 

Community Resilience Project 

Project Title: Climate Justice Project

Lead: Charlie Armitage/Beth Barlow/Helen Neal 

Description: Creating a Climate Justice space in the Library Garden 

Reducing Consumption Programme 

Project Title: Swap and Share  

Lead: Jenn Armitage 

Description: Toy Swap Shop and Kids Party Kits. Two money saving and consumption reducing schemes which will also help to strengthen community ties

If you are interested in becoming an active member of any of these Project Groups then please contact the project lead via the contact page or on