Sowing of wild flower seeds, planting herbs and wildflowers in the plot prepared in the early years area of the school play area, was carried out on Monday despite the rain and cold. All the children in the early years and nursery had a go sowing the seeds and planting the herbs and pre grown wildflowers. Some of the children were already quite knowledgeable about worms and plants! Herbs have been planted for their smell and taste. Wildflowers will hopefully attract insects, butterflies and seedheads will be food for birds. The first ones will be in flower soon- cowslips!

The greenhouse is now also being used – flower seeds have germinated, and potatoes chitted. When the weather warms up they will all be planted out.

The project is a joint project between the school, Tattenhall Gardening Society, Transition Tattenhall, and helped by a grant from the Parish Council, and donations from T&G, and the PTFA. Thanks go to all those who have contributed.