Since January Transition Tattenhall has been developing a community energy project. The aim is to make a significant, local, impact on emissions of CO2 The project group has been investigating ways of making this happen and looking at what power source is feasible for Tattenhall. We have considered wind, hydro and a community anaerobic digester (which is still my favourite). However in the end we have decided on a distributed solar panel array.
The concept is that local businesses host panels on their roofs, or yards. Transition Tattenhall will purchase the panels, install and maintain them. The host business will buy electricity produced by the panels at a contracted low rate (cheaper than from current providers via the grid). Any extra electricity will be sold to the grid. Transition Tattenhall will raise money for the project by issue of shares. Our customers (host business) will get cheap electricity, Transition Tattenhall will pay interest on the share investment and we aim for a surplus over the 15 years of the project to fund further community projects meeting Transition Tattenhall’s objectives. Remember, we have an asset lock which means we must support projects that mitigate the effects of climate change.
Let’s look at some figures. Our minimum total size of the scheme is 330kwp, about 1000 panels, this would generate about 280Mwhr each year of electricity and save about 110,900kg of CO2 every year, about the same as 100 fewer cars on the road. Our realistic maximum size is 750kwp, about 2300 panels, generating 645Mwhrs/year saving about 255,500kg of CO2.
But we are a long way from doing practical installations. Transition Tattenhall begun a project to examine the feasibility of this scheme here in Tattenhall, this study is being done with the help of GreenCat Renewables (who are experienced in this area). It will focus on; the likelihood of sufficient customers, investors and if the financial model will work for customers, investors and Transition Tattenhall. This work will go on through the summer and autumn. So watch out for further announcements.